Love + Marriage + Relationships

Couple on the beach - love + marriage + relationships, Jacksonville Mom

Being an awesome mom goes beyond taking care of the kids. It’s all about creating a loving environment where feelings are shared, problems are solved, and happiness and love thrives. We know it’s not easy, especially with the everyday stresses of life. That’s why nurturing strong and healthy relationships is crucial for moms like us!

At Jacksonville Mom, we understand the ups and downs of relationships, especially in motherhood. We’re here to share valuable insights on building and strengthening the bonds with our loved ones and here to support when some relationships come to an end.

Keeping your marriage and relationships healthy can be challenging, but it can also be enjoyable and rewarding. We share favorite Jacksonville date night spots or if you prefer the early bird, we share the beauty of day dates in Jacksonville. We also provide advice on maintaining a strong circle of friends and family, whether it’s finding the perfect girls day lunch spot or ways to love on a friend battling cancer. As mothers we are always juggling busy schedules and it can make finding time for relationships hard. We share why mom friendships often require grace and why it really does take a village to raise children.

Our passionate team of 30+ writers delivers thought-provoking content on relationships bringing hope during challenging times and nurturing friendships and marriages throughout the journey of motherhood.

One of our favorite hobbies as a couple is whipping up some tasty recipes. Anyone who has been in the kitchen knows that some recipes are harder to execute than others, but with trial and error, patience, and practice,...
  Having a new baby in your life is exciting. Tons of change, little sleep, a dose of anxiety, and poop…lots of poop. About six weeks after the baby comes, your doctor typically tells you that it’s okay to go back...
When Marie’s daughter was around five-years-old, she asked Marie if it “hurts when a baby comes out of its mom’s butt.” Trying not to laugh out loud, Marie explained that babies actually come out of a mom’s vagina. The...
When it comes to the holidays, my husband and I are basically a mix of Buddy the Elf and the Grinch. I start getting excited about Christmas pretty much as soon as the Halloween madness ends. I love the...
Difference is what makes us unique and beautiful. Our differences can cross all sorts of social and cultural experiences, and that sometimes requires reaching out of our immediate circles to find ways to embrace and learn to support communities...
If you go online and dare criticize a woman — any woman — for anything, no matter how gentle, no matter how constructive, no matter how necessary, there's a good chance you'll face an avalanche of other women accusing...
I just assembled a third lunch for my son. He’s six (and a half, thankyouverymuch) and growing like a weed and history has taught me that a full belly is a happy belly. He walked into the kitchen, where...
Brought to you by Wolfson Children’s Hospital   For many couples, raising a family is a top priority, one that is usually agreed upon long before a baby arrives. Being on the same page regarding goals and dreams is important, too, especially...
Last year, I stepped way out of my comfort zone and did a boudoir photo shoot as a gift for my husband. If you’re not familiar with it, boudoir photography celebrates the feminine form with a photo shoot in...
Just like Melanie Dale, the author of Women are Scary, I seemed to relate more to boys than girls growing up. Girls (like women) are scary- with their complicated emotions and snarky comments. When my husband and I first...
It's not that I don't want to have sex--because I really do. It's just the person I'm married to does not. I am certain he loves me--he just doesn't love to make love. No, it hasn't always been this way....
As the journey continues from my first post about my new life as a single mommy, When the Bubble Burst, I find myself with less family around and do not quite understand what's happened.  There's no illness, no funeral, and no obituary...

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