The demands of mom life (and let's be real, life in general) can make it tough to fit in those much-needed moments of self-care. And oftentimes, a bubble bath or five minutes alone to just breathe aren't enough. Enter St....
Located northeast of Jacksonville, Amelia Island is the northernmost barrier island in Florida. This is a special place filled with stories and adventures. From maritime forests with ancient oaks dripping with Spanish moss to pristine beaches and the lovingly...
It's a rainy Friday night, and I'm debating even going to this new spot because, let me be honest and say, I look for any reason to cancel most late-night plans — and by late night, I mean the...
If you're a Jacksonville native, you may know the Mayport neighborhood as a shrimping community and military base nestled in the small beach town of Atlantic Beach. Only accessible by A1A, Mayport is considered West Atlantic Beach to the...
It is almost summertime! This means the kids are out of school, Mom is losing her mind, and the Florida heat is nothing to play with. With our kids' friends out of the classroom, and their moms likely going...
I've always been the type of woman who was excited to tell everyone that I purchased a showstopper dress at a thrift store or that I have a 50%-off Groupon for a fancy restaurant. I mean, who doesn't love...
We all know date night is very important to keep the magic in a relationship going. It gives you a chance to laugh together, eat food without being interrupted 800 times (“Mommy, come wipe me!”) and discuss anything more...
Date night. Once you have kids, it can be difficult to find not only the time to go out but also the money. Suddenly, dating becomes much more expensive, because, in addition to paying for the night’s activity, couples...
It can be hard to plan a big romantic Valentine’s Day when you have kids, but deep down we all still want to find a way celebrate! Why not skip the stress of finding a babysitter and restaurant reservation,...
Located on the south side of the St. Johns River across from downtown, San Marco is an older, well-established neighborhood in Jacksonville. Great food, shopping, and kid-friendly events and things to do make this an amazing place to visit and...
Every year in the Jacksonville area there are more and more children battling life-threatening illnesses. Make-A-Wish® has a mission to grant life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. Make-A-Wish Central and Northern Florida has granted over 5,800 wishes in...
No matter whether you need a sitter for work, play or just to get things done — it's a fact of life with kids — everyone needs a go-to babysitter, plus a few in their back pocket! Our family...

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