Fashion + Beauty

Fashion and Beauty Jacksonville Mom

Jacksonville Mom takes pride in being the premier parenting resource for moms in Jacksonville. Our days may be packed with diaper changes, cooking meals, school drop-offs, and organizing kids’ activities, but it’s crucial for us moms to indulge in some self-care. For many, this includes staying on top of fashion and beauty trends! Catering to the busy lifestyles of modern moms, Jacksonville Mom perfectly merges practicality with style, ensuring you look and feel your best. Whether it’s fashion trends that hold up during playground visits or beauty routines that fit into the hectic schedule of school runs and work calls, we’ve got you covered.

Our fashion and beauty resources are created with Jacksonville moms in mind, aiming for accessible, achievable looks that blend effortlessly with style. Whether you’re wondering how make the latest trends work for you, tips for rocking bold lipstick, skin care routines to tweens or a skin care cheat sheet, Jacksonville Mom is your go-to source.

At Jacksonville Mom, we see fashion and beauty as ways to express oneself and practice self-care. It goes beyond just keeping up with trends; it’s about embracing your unique style and boosting your confidence through fashion and beauty.

If you’re like me, you love to wear trendy styles without sacrificing your budget. People in the fashion industry would call this fast fashion. But have you ever considered who actually is making our clothes and what it costs...
I love hosting parties and planning get-togethers. Most of us moms get so wrapped up in the daily snot and spit-up that we forget to plan a night out with friends! And we need one ladies! So here is...
Ear piercing is a right of passage for girls (and their moms!). When to pierce is a personal parenting decision, and many moms weigh their own experience when choosing the age to go for the holes! No matter when you decide...
Nothing like those first few days of the Florida heat and humidity when summer hits to make you rethink what you are currently wearing. Most of us are dying to take off those jeans and any shirt that isn't breathable...
Ten years ago, when I went natural, not only did I let go of products that carried harmful ingredients like sulfates, parabens, and formaldehyde — but I also left behind self-hate. See for me, going natural was a journey...
Ah, teenagers. All of us apparently-now-old folks still remember what it was like to be young, so sure that we knew everything and that our style was never going to look bad later. Of course, those of us who...
"It's the best cancer you can get if you're going to get cancer," was what the dermatologist told me when my first biopsy tested positive for basal cell carcinoma. I can't say I was relieved by that statement, and...
Last week, 31 girls at Bartram Trail High School received dress code violations. Thirty-one. And this all took place in one day. It's not clear what prompted the school to launch this dress code crackdown, but according to a...
Y’all. Shopping for clothes on Amazon has rocked my world! I started my relationship with Amazon clothing later than most savvy online shoppers, which is standard operating procedure for me. I’m typically late to the new tech/apps game. A prime...
If you live in Jacksonville, then you’ve likely heard of the local business that is striving to make the world a better place, one stitch at a time, Rethreaded. Winners of One Spark 2013, Rethreaded is an organization that’s...
Once upon a time, I was a much smaller woman, with a flat tummy and not nearly as many stretch marks as I have now. Though I've always struggled with body image, I was able to eventually get to...
Aside from a wedding a couple of years ago where my dress came from Target, and I happened to find the exact same mini version at Baby Gap (fate!), I don’t dress like my daughter. I dress like I’m...

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